Tuesday, September 08, 2009

well today was an interesting day, which i will leave at that.

I did get to take Miguel and Larisa to the park, unfortunately Miguel needed to use the bathroom, really badly and we didn't get to stay past 20 minutes. I was not doing those park bathrooms, yuck!!! ::shiver:: but once we got home and he had taken care of business we went outside and I walked with him while he rode his bike. He enjoyed that :)

I got to do some baby shopping today :D A friend had a baby in Spain and is here visiting her family and they are having a little party for her which is I guess the belated version of a baby shower so I got some outfits and a pair of shoes.

Anyhow tomorrow is my busy day of the week so we'll see how it goes. I do my normal workout, then tennis lesson and allergy shot and if Pat wants to we'll hit some tennis balls.

Ok I'm looking for a poem today


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