thoughts from a puertorrican girl living in arkansas
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
The copperhead in the backyard. We found this one in our yard (inside the fenced area!!) and got it out of the fence with a large pool brush. It went to a tree and I was able to get his picture of it.
Very cool!!
Oh Maria. That looks like a decent-sized Copperhead. Was it an adult? I remember my brother and I finding a baby one in our yard growing up and my dad whacking it dead with a shovel. Ha. But I think I would wet my pants if I saw the guy in your picture in my yard!!!!!!
ewwwww =) My goodness I just seen the copperhead and tarantula pictures, where do you live? I dont' think I wanna play in your yard...LOL Hugs, Lisa...aka..wesiemom
Oh Maria. That looks like a decent-sized Copperhead. Was it an adult? I remember my brother and I finding a baby one in our yard growing up and my dad whacking it dead with a shovel. Ha. But I think I would wet my pants if I saw the guy in your picture in my yard!!!!!!
ewwwww =) My goodness I just seen the copperhead and tarantula pictures, where do you live? I dont' think I wanna play in your yard...LOL
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