Oh boy... it sure is hot out there again today! The kids and I were kidding that God is making people BBQ.
I went out to do my pool maintenance today and noticed that the pumps that I left running last night were not working this morning so I figured the breaker had messed up or something so I went and set the breaker and nothing happened so I pushed the little red button on the outlet and boom they went on, just long enough for me to say, yes! and then they went down again :P Tried that several times, moved the extension around and even hooked a new one on. Nope no luck, it would appear that something has gone haywire and doesn't want to work. At least the other pump is working so the pool can run and the chemicals can turn our old "pond" back into a sparkling, inviting and refreshing pool.
the kids are on day 2 of homeschooling. Things are going pretty well, except for a few complaints from the kids and some several hundred interrumptions from Miguel. I found some really good ideas online and others suggested by my friend Cindi (Thank you Cindi!) One that worked well this morning was giving him stickers and a sheet of paper, and a couple of crayons. Also he is fascinated with the pencil sharpener so he might be our official pencil sharpening specialist :D
Larisa is taking huge strides in the reading department, HUGE ones! I'm thrilled with it. Gabi has been getting perfect scores on her Saxon Math 54, but it has been pretty basic yet, not that she cannot do as well on the rest but definitely the concepts will become quite challenging as the year rolls in.
Ok this post is from yesterday and I never sent it to post.
Dh took us to Outback last night and then we went to the bookstore and I got 2 books so this is my new reading material.
Cross Bones by Kathy Reichs - so far so good pretty interesting about a forensic anthropologist.
Deception Point by Dan Brown - haven't started but I've always enjoyed his stuff, i love thrillers and mysteries.
I'm listenting to (or really should but i haven't sat down to) a new Mana song I downloaded, it's a preview song from a new album that I preordered, the new song is: Labios Compartidos
I really do like Mana. Pat says the lead singer sounds like a spanish speaking Sting. I think that is a compliment.