Here are some pictures from our Easter. WE had a very rushed Easter because we had gotten home from Kansas City the day before. Unfortunately we came home after getting a call from my Brother in law to tell us we had been broken into while we were gone. They took a computer, playstation, mine and Pat's jewerly boxes with most of my valuable jewerly and Pat's watch valet and watches, and a checkbook. I hope they rot in hell, but hey that is just my opinion, now if God is listening I hope he agrees.
So the first picture is one that Miguel took of me while I was cleaning his sister's bedroom. Nice rear angle huh?
So sorry to hear about the break-in. I hope they didn't ransack it - my dad's house was burglarized and they didn't leave one thing untouched - it was a mess. I hope you guys fared better.
They didn't mess the whole house, just our master and the office. Thankfull they didn't touch the kids rooms.
I am so sorry. You must feel so violated. I hope the police can catch the persons involved so that you can get at least some of your things back.
Oh no, I am so sorry that you were robbed. I join you in wishing that they rot in hell.
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