Wednesday, June 28, 2006

ugh.. my neck!

Miguel had a rough night and by default so did I. So I find myself this day with a nasty pain in my neck and shoulders and I'm none to happy about it. I just feel so stiff.

Miguel on the other hand is happy as a clam :P

Miguel has asked twice today to go to the potty and has gone poo in it. I'm so excited he seems to be wanting to go back to potty training. After we got home from Vegas he reverted big time and I let it slide because I knew it would happen. But I've been really looking forward to not cleaning poo diapers because they are just nasty. I hope he continues and moves quickly into the pee thing too.

I did a little shopping today but found minimal stuff, we gotta work on the party planning for the 4th, I forget it is next week.

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